Talking Gardens podcast with Ann-Marie Powell

Listen to this episode of Talking Gardens, the Gardens Illustrated podcast, featuring Ann-Marie Powell on what she would grow in her fantasy greenhouse and the inside scoop on her Chelsea Flower Show garden for the National Trust.

Published: May 14, 2024 at 8:55 am

Designer Ann Marie-Powell is our guest this time, talking to Stephanie about the inspirations for her dream garden, including the wild character of the gardens at Waltham Place in Berkshire and her imaginary party ‘camp’ with hammocks, teepees, a hot water tap and chef. Discover what she would grow in her fantasy greenhouse, who she’s got a girl crush on and the inside scoop on her Chelsea Flower Show garden for the National Trust. Plus, who is the latest object of her Insta stalking?

Talking Gardens launched in March 2023 and won the Garden Podcast of the Year Award at the Garden Media Guild Awards in November 2023. Previous guests include Piet Oudolf, Sarah Price, Fergus Garrett, Marian Boswall, Troy Scott Smith, Alice Vincent, Tom Stuart-Smith, Nigel Slater, Isabel Bannerman and Arthur Parkinson.

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